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NOS for a drift car?

Asked by 4 years ago

So I'm wanting to add NOS for my drift car and it is most definitely possible, but my script doesn't seem to work. I have an A-Chassis Tune script and I'm wanting a button to be able to change the Horsepower set inside the A-Chassis Tune script and a sound to play when the NOS is activated. I currently have a Frame for the button inserted to the Plugins folder of the A-Chassis Tune script and inside the Frame is a button with a local script saying:

local car = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
local NOS = car.Body.NOS
local Tune = {}
local HP = Tune.Horsepower

    HP = 500
    print("HP Changed to 500")
    HP = 350
    print("HP Reset")
    script.Parent.Active = false
    script.Parent.Text = "NOS Refueling"
    script.Parent.Text = "NOS Refueled"
    script.Parent.Text = "NOS Ready"

But I don't think that this script can access the Horsepower setting from a different script. How can I change my horsepower from a different script?

A chassis hp is a script value, not a physical object. It's like HP = 350. Try adding a int value in a-Chassis script and in the hp line in a chassis just put HP = script.HP.Value. Babyseal1015 56 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

So I figured it out thanks to personal_ly for helping me!

If you want to add nitrous to your car, then find your A-Chassis script, open it, scroll down ****TO THE BOTTOM**** and find the end of this script:

--Keyboard Controls --Mode Toggles ToggleTCS = Enum.KeyCode.T , ToggleABS = Enum.KeyCode.Y , ToggleTransMode = Enum.KeyCode.M , ToggleMouseDrive = Enum.KeyCode.R , --Primary Controls Throttle = Enum.KeyCode.Up , Brake = Enum.KeyCode.Down , SteerLeft = Enum.KeyCode.Left , SteerRight = Enum.KeyCode.Right , --Secondary Controls Throttle2 = Enum.KeyCode.W , Brake2 = Enum.KeyCode.S , SteerLeft2 = Enum.KeyCode.A , SteerRight2 = Enum.KeyCode.D , --Manual Transmission ShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.E , ShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.Q , Clutch = Enum.KeyCode.P , --Handbrake PBrake = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift , --Mouse Controls MouseThrottle = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 , MouseBrake = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 , MouseClutch = Enum.KeyCode.W , MouseShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.E , MouseShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.Q , MousePBrake = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift , --Controller Mapping ContlrThrottle = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2 , ContlrBrake = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2 , ContlrSteer = Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 , ContlrShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY , ContlrShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX , ContlrClutch = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1 , ContlrPBrake = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1 , ContlrToggleTMode = Enum.KeyCode.DPadUp , ContlrToggleTCS = Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown , ContlrToggleABS = Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight , }

When you find the end of that, change it to this:

    --Keyboard Controls
        --Mode Toggles
        ToggleTCS               = Enum.KeyCode.T                    ,
        ToggleABS               = Enum.KeyCode.Y                    ,
        ToggleTransMode         = Enum.KeyCode.M                    ,
        ToggleMouseDrive        = Enum.KeyCode.R                    ,

        --Primary Controls
        Throttle                = Enum.KeyCode.Up                   ,
        Brake                   = Enum.KeyCode.Down                 ,
        SteerLeft               = Enum.KeyCode.Left                 ,
        SteerRight              = Enum.KeyCode.Right                ,

        --Secondary Controls
        Throttle2               = Enum.KeyCode.W                    ,
        Brake2                  = Enum.KeyCode.S                    ,
        SteerLeft2              = Enum.KeyCode.A                    ,
        SteerRight2             = Enum.KeyCode.D                    ,

        --Manual Transmission
        ShiftUp                 = Enum.KeyCode.E                    ,
        ShiftDown               = Enum.KeyCode.Q                    ,
        Clutch                  = Enum.KeyCode.P                    ,

        PBrake                  = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift            ,

    --Mouse Controls
        MouseThrottle           = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1   ,
        MouseBrake              = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2   ,
        MouseClutch             = Enum.KeyCode.W                    ,
        MouseShiftUp            = Enum.KeyCode.E                    ,
        MouseShiftDown          = Enum.KeyCode.Q                    ,
        MousePBrake             = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift            ,

    --Controller Mapping
        ContlrThrottle          = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2             ,
        ContlrBrake             = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2             ,
        ContlrSteer             = Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1          ,
        ContlrShiftUp           = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY              ,
        ContlrShiftDown         = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX              ,
        ContlrClutch            = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1             ,
        ContlrPBrake            = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1             ,
        ContlrToggleTMode       = Enum.KeyCode.DPadUp               ,
        ContlrToggleTCS         = Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown             ,
        ContlrToggleABS         = Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight            ,
    local Cooldown = false
    local Using = false
    local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
        if not gameProcessed then 
            if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.N and Cooldown == false and Using == false then
                Using = true
                print("Player pressed N")
                 Tune.Horsepower = 1000 --SET THIS TO THE HP YOU WANNA BOOST                                                                            AT
                    Tune.Horsepower = 400  --SET THIS TO YOUR DEFAULT HP
                    Cooldown = true
                    Using = false
                        Cooldown = false


Nitrous should work with the N key!


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