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Change surface of brick

Asked by 11 years ago

I tried to change the brick surface, for example


But it didn't work. So I wonder if there is another code that does work? and what does it look like?

3 answers

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Answered by
Freemium 110
11 years ago

Use enums.

1game.Workspace.BasePlate.TopSurface = 0

or this:

1game.Workspace.BasePlate.TopSurface = "Smooth"

If that doesn't work, are there any output errors?

Thanks. It works Ryuxakuta 15 — 11y
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Answered by 11 years ago

This should work, Insert it into the brick.I like feed back also.

p = script.Parent while true do p.TopSurface = ("Smooth") p.BottomSurface = ("Smooth") p.LeftSurface = ("Smooth") p.RightSurface = ("Smooth") p.FrontSurface = ("Smooth") p.BackSurface = ("Smooth") wait(1) p.TopSurface = ("Glue") p.BottomSurface = ("Glue") p.LeftSurface = ("Glue") p.RightSurface = ("Glue") p.FrontSurface = ("Glue") p.BackSurface = ("Glue") wait(1) p.TopSurface = ("Weld") p.BottomSurface = ("Weld") p.LeftSurface = ("Weld") p.RightSurface = ("Weld") p.FrontSurface = ("Weld") p.BackSurface = ("Weld") wait(1) p.TopSurface = ("Studs") p.BottomSurface = ("Studs") p.LeftSurface = ("Studs") p.RightSurface = ("Studs") p.FrontSurface = ("Studs") p.BackSurface = ("Studs") wait(1) p.TopSurface = ("Inlet") p.BottomSurface = ("Inlet") p.LeftSurface = ("Inlet") p.RightSurface = ("Inlet") p.FrontSurface = ("Inlet") p.BackSurface = ("Inlet") wait(1) p.TopSurface = ("Universal") p.BottomSurface = ("Universal") p.LeftSurface = ("Universal") p.RightSurface = ("Universal") p.FrontSurface = ("Universal") p.BackSurface = ("Universal") wait(1) end

Just a tip, might wanna try using the code button next time. :) Freemium 110 — 11y
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Answered by
xAtom_ik 574 Moderation Voter
11 years ago

I found your error, Look:


You didn't use the speech marks. So it tried to think that it was a variable or something. BUT! if you used the speech marks then it will notice that and fix it

1Workspace.Baseplate.TopSurface = "Smooth"
Thanks Ryuxakuta 15 — 11y

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