At first, I'm really sorry if this question is against guidelines and wrote with no elementary code. Question: I want to learn how to encrypt my code and or obfuscate it.
What ways are to make simple encryption of an example code
01 | function onPlayerRespawned(newPlayer) |
02 | local pl = newPlayer:findFirstChild( "Humanoid" ) |
03 | if pl ~ = nil then |
04 | if game.Workspace:findFirstChild(pl.Parent.Name) ~ = nil then |
05 | pl.WalkSpeed = 78 |
06 | end |
07 | end |
08 | end |
09 | game.Workspace.ChildAdded:connect(onPlayerRespawned) |
10 | --[[this script is just for example]] |
Synapse X obfuscator may be what you're looking for. There is also a few other but paid one.
I dont know about the obfuscator, but if you want a function that happens on players that spawn you should usePlayerAdded and CharacterAdded:
01 | function onPlayerRespawned(newCharacter) |
02 | newCharacter.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 78 |
03 | end |
04 |
05 | function onPlayerEntered(newPlayer) |
06 | if newPlayer.Character then onPlayerRespawned(newPlayer.Character) end --Just in case the character already spawned before the CharacterAdded event was binded |
07 | newPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(onPlayerRespawned) |
08 | end |
09 |
10 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerEntered) |
The problem with using workspace.ChildAdded is that anything is added it could happen to that thing. In your case, every NPC, that have a humanoid named "Humanoid" would have the same high walkspeed.
Yea i will do an encoding that computer will decode [read] with no problem but for human it will be impossible.