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My model placement system is not working, it clones the model but doesn't move?(read desc)

Asked by
BashGuy10 384 Moderation Voter
4 years ago

(I had to shorten the title because of the stupid 100 char limit)

Hello! I'm having some troubles with my model placement, it clones the model but doesn't move it until you click again. AND doesn't clone another part. Help would be appreciated

FYI: I'm using remote events

GIF of the placement system

Replicated storage(Ignore "changebuilding")


local place = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Placement.Remotes.Place

game.ReplicatedStorage.Placement.Remotes.Place.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, building, position)

    local building2 = building:Clone()
    building.Parent = workspace



local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer -- Define the player
local mouse = player:GetMouse() -- Define the mouse
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") -- UIS for activate of placement
local active = true -- Is placement active?
local activekeycode = Enum.KeyCode.E -- When the player presses E, they start placement.
local event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Placement.Remotes.Place
local changeevent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Placement.Remotes.ChangeBuilding
local currentbuilding = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Placement.Buildings.Model

--UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gp) Not in use
    --if input == activekeycode and gp and active then
        --active = true
        --active = false

mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function()--Start the placement
    --if active then -- Ensure it is active

        local building = currentbuilding
        local position = mouse.Hit.p -- Don't know if i should use "mouse.Hit.p" or "mouse.Hit"
        event:FireServer(building, position)

-- IGNORE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
changeevent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(building)-- Change building
    if not active and building ~= currentbuilding then -- Ensure it is not active
        currentbuilding = building
I made my placement system neater by using TweenService:Create() and cancelled the tween every time the mouse moved..!! Also I used mouse.Hit.p greatneil80 2647 — 4y
I'll probably end up using Tweens when i get it somewhat setup. BashGuy10 384 — 4y
Oh also, use :GetTouchingParts for collisions and raycasting for when the model goes outside the boundaries! greatneil80 2647 — 4y
Gonna have to use that to. BashGuy10 384 — 4y
Just going to say this: if you plan to do something in the future that changes your whole system because you think it will make it cleaner, it is better to do it sooner rather than later or else your future self will hate you. SteamG00B 1633 — 4y

1 answer

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Answered by
Dfzoz 489 Moderation Voter
4 years ago

The problem is on the server script:

local place = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Placement.Remotes.Place

game.ReplicatedStorage.Placement.Remotes.Place.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, building, position)

    local building2 = building:Clone()--Cloned the original building
    building:MoveTo(position)--Original building was referenced instead of the clone, you moved the original building
    building.Parent = workspace--Same problem here, you moved the building to the workspace
    --Just change the building to building2 on lines 8 and 9 and you should be good to go

It doesn't work, it won't move but it clones! Problem two out of the way Screenshot: BashGuy10 384 — 4y
Maybe changing the order of the code. Change the building2 Parent first and then then move it and try it out Dfzoz 489 — 4y
It worked, don't know why it needs to be parented first. Thanks  BashGuy10 384 — 4y

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