18:49:43.694 - Workspace.TModule:4: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'a' (a table value) 18:49:43.694 - Stack Begin 18:49:43.694 - Script 'Workspace.TModule', Line 4 - method GeneratePlate
Source Code:
--continued, but this is the only part that errors. function tm.GeneratePlate(a,b,c,type,x,y,z) if a%2~=0 then a=a-1 end --continued, but this is the only part that errors.
Running Code:
I don't understand what's wrong with anything. All of this should work, I looked over it again and again.
As it says, it believes a
is a "table value," rather than an integer.
It is correct! Be careful about using methods (:
Use tm.GeneratePlate
instead of tm:GeneratePlate
Methods are sugar. They automatically add the object you are calling them on as the first argument:
tm:GeneratePlate( ... )
de-sugars to tm.GeneratePlate(tm, ... )
which makes the first argument (a
) actually tm
-- "a table value", rather than the first argument you typed.
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