Answered by
5 years ago Edited 5 years ago
I would probably use Remote Events. Here's what a localscript (inside of startergui) might look like:
1 | local r = game:GetService( "ReplicatedStorage" ) |
2 | r.playSound.OnClientEvent:connect( function (songName) |
3 | workspace [ songName ] :Play() |
And then in a regular script inside of ServerScriptService:
1 | local player = [ insert player to hear the sound ] |
2 | local soundId = [ sound name inside of workspace ] |
3 | local r = game:GetService( "ReplicatedStorage" ) |
4 | r.playSound:FireClient(plr,soundId) |
So yes, you do have to use localscripts, but you can integrate them with regular scripts.
Hope this helps!
As said in the comments by RSASDSA,
"SoundService.RespectFilteringEnabled must be on for this to work properly."
So in the regular script, you should add:
1 | game:GetService( "SoundService" ).RespectFilteringEnabled = true |