1 | ------------------------Paper Lift |
2 | for i = 1 , 8 do |
3 | RA.CFrame = (TM.CFrame * CFrame.new(Tx+ 1.5 -( 0.02 * 36 ), Ty+(( 0.018 * 36 )+ 0.02 *i), Tz+( 1 - 0.04 * 36 )))*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(( 2.5 * 36 )+ 1 *i), 0 ,math.rad( 15 -( 1.4 * 36 ))) |
4 | LA.CFrame = (TM.CFrame * CFrame.new(Tx- 1.25 , Ty+( 0.49 + 0.02 *i), Tz+( 0.3 - 0.006 * 36 )))*CFrame.Angles(math.rad( 90 + 1 *i), 0 ,math.rad( 15 )) |
5 | PS.CFrame = (TM.CFrame * CFrame.new(Tx-( 3 - 0.068 *( 36 )), Ty+( 0.5 + 0.04 *i), Tz-( 0.035 *( 36 )))) |
Aprently you people are er-responsive. i asked this question before, now i ahve to explain this code of course
i asked this question 2 tiems before i had to ask it again. this time , i hope i get a conclusive answer.
this code was taken from a game called avert the odds. you can visit it now and see what i'm talking about. its uncopylocked too. -go to venvious profile- as for my question
"C-Framing How do i make animation with it" What i of course mean is. ' whats does this script mean?' I dont want "You can go on animation editor, its easyer" thats the cheap way to do it. i want a good explaination on what this means. i got this from a script to move a book on venvious's game.
will you help me?
Sorry, i cant tell you what this means But i do have a solution, http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=CFrame That contains information on how to do it and might explain what it is.