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How would I cancel/override a MoveTo?

Asked by
qChaos 86
5 years ago

Say I run a MoveTo, if I want to run another MoveTo while that one is in progress I want it to override the one before with the new MoveTo, but it seems like the original one just overlaps the new one if you try to run any more MoveTos. Is there any way to resolve this?

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Answered by
karlo_tr10 1233 Moderation Voter
5 years ago

When you run new :MoveTo() it overrides the old one. You can test it by using :MoveTo() to some random part then after that use :MoveTo(game.Workspace.NPCNAME.HumanoidRootPart.Position) and it will stop it

Ah, I was under the impression that movetos would only cancel if they timed out or reached the destination, thanks qChaos 86 — 5y

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