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How to make a script for killing npc for cash?

Asked by
0Tifa0 0
5 years ago

I'm new in roblox and i don't know scripting very well. I want to create a zombie survival game where player gets coins if they kill zombies. I tried finding on youtube and other places but none of the scripts I use are working!

1 answer

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Answered by
mateyz 22
5 years ago

Hello Tifa,

If you're new to scripting and you're trying to learn, I'd maybe start with something even more basic than what you're trying to do; especially since you'll end up dealing with server / client verification for security purposes and all that good stuff.

If you insist on doing this project then that's fair but if you do get caught up don't let it put you off learning further !

First off, I'd start with checking out the scripts of the weapons you're using.

Find the part where you deal damage to the humanoid that you're attacking and you'd want to check whether that humanoid is dead, if they are, you could locally reward some money.

Note Eventually when you get there you'll want to make sure that the server gives the money and that the server also checks whether the zombie is dead.

Hope that helps a bit,



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