** Is the script right? Also how would I make it select two people with a Countdown Gui that works I tried dragging the Gui in the script, but it didn't work.**
pos = 0, 0, 0 -- The position that the random player will be moved to. WaitTime = 30 -- The time in-between each player getting picked. dft = {} function GetPlayers() local c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1, #c do table.insert(dft, c[i].Name) end end function Randomize() GetPlayers() local d = math.random(1, #dft) local s = d local m = Instance.new("Message", game.Workspace) m.Text = "The random player is ... "..dft[s].."!" wait(2) m:Remove() local rndm = game.Players:FindFirstChild(dft[s]) if (rndm ~= nil) then local Player = rndm.Character Player:MoveTo(Vector3.new(pos)) end end while true do wait(WaitTime) Randomize() end