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How can I add cash to a play whilst they are driving?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Hello. I am trying to make a script that gives a player money while they are driving! This is what I have tried

local cashadd = 335
local distadd = 33

local owner = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name
local user = game.Players:findFirstChild(owner)
local data = user:findFirstChild("Playerdata")
local stats = user:findFirstChild("leaderstats")

---------- Vector Calculation ----------

function GetSpeed(part)

    pPos = part.Position; 
    oPos = part.Position; 

    pRspeed = {x=0,y=0,z=0} 
    oRspeed = {x=0,y=0,z=0} 

    pRspeed.x = math.floor(pPos.x); 
    pRspeed.y = math.floor(pPos.y); 
    pRspeed.z = math.floor(pPos.z); 

    oRspeed.x = math.floor(oPos.x); 
    oRspeed.y = math.floor(oPos.y); 
    oRspeed.z = math.floor(oPos.z); 

    IForce = {x=0,y=0,z=0} 
    IForce.x = pRspeed.x + -oRspeed.x 
    IForce.y = pRspeed.y + -oRspeed.y 
    IForce.z = pRspeed.z + -oRspeed.z 

        if(IForce.x < 0) then 
        IForce.x = -IForce.x; 

        if(IForce.y < 0)then 
        IForce.y = -IForce.y; 

        if(IForce.z < 0)then 
        IForce.z = -IForce.z; 

    speed = math.max(IForce.x,IForce.y,IForce.z); 

---------- Cash Bonus ----------

while true do
    if script.Parent.Throttle ~= 0 and script.Parent.Steer == 0 then
        Speed = GetSpeed(script.Parent);
            if speed > 20 then
            local cash = data:findFirstChild("Money")
            cash.Value = cash.Value + cashadd
            local dist = stats:findFirstChild("Miles")
            dist.Value = dist.Value + distadd

I'm putting this in the vehicle's driver seat

edit: there is no output error

1 answer

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

First of all, I don’t understand why you need such a complex calculation for vehicle speed when you can just get it with one line in many different ways.

Well, there’s 3 conditions your car should meet before cash upgrades. One is that, VehicleSeat throttle should be above 0, but alongside that, steer should be zero, and speed should be above 20. If one of them is not true, cash and distance will not upgrade. You should try and print each one of them in while true do, before if statements and see if they would be true if they where inside if statement. You will see that one of them is not what would meet if Statements condition. Probably that would be either speed or steer(maybe steer is never absolute zero)

---------- Cash Bonus ---------- while true do wait() Speed = GetSpeed(script.Parent); print(Speed) print(script.Parent.Throttle) print(script.Parent.Steer) if script.Parent.Throttle ~= 0 and script.Parent.Steer == 0 then if speed > 20 then local cash = data:findFirstChild("Money") cash.Value = cash.Value + cashadd local dist = stats:findFirstChild("Miles") dist.Value = dist.Value + distadd end end end
cash not upgrading nor the miles Spiyder1 81 — 4y
I edited my answer see that GooierApollo664 183 — 4y
? Spiyder1 81 — 4y
Did you understand what I suggested? GooierApollo664 183 — 4y

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