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Admin Panel Server Message GUI not working?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

So I am making a admin panel and in it I have a gui that shows Server Message everything works fine but it only shows it to the client! How do I make it show it to the server? Here is the script I put and yes I did put in the other script to activate it tried it with Player1 and Player2. Player2 did not see the message only Player1 did! How do I fix it?


    messageframe.PlayerGui.Message.Frame.Visible = true

With this I know it says messageframe.Playergui thats how the script wants it I guess. Darthman522 10 — 5y
can you please fix your codeblock? KDarren12 705 — 5y
Yea Darthman522 10 — 5y

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