What function to delete a last digit from a value ?
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5 years ago Edited 5 years ago
I want a script function to delete last digit from an value. Just one last in the text string or numbervalue. I'm not sure what functions i need to make smth like that. It's hard to find anything in developer.roblox.com
I use as main function MouseButton1Click cause it will run when clicked a button.
1 | script.Parent.MouseButton 1 Click:connect( function (buy) |
2 | local mem = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.HDDMEM |
3 | local butt = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Memory.Buttons |
4 | - [[there i need that function]] |
Thanks for every help.
"Are you trying to remove a digit itself or just -1 from the value?"
Read my questions once again until you get it.