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Which causes the least lag CFraming or BodyVelocity?

Asked by 5 years ago

Right now i'm making a projectile for a turret and I want to know which causes the least lag and is the best to use.

Please avoid asking opinion-based questions. You'll get opinion-based answers. DeceptiveCaster 3761 — 5y
In my opinion, use BodyVelocity. If the server CFrames a part, it has to replicate it to EACH client everytime it updates the part's CFrame. Use BodyVelocity since clients can calculate the location of a part locally. SaltyIceberg 81 — 5y

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Answered by
ErtyPL 129
5 years ago

It depends but in slow things bodyvelocity will cause more lags. Of course if not use CFraming on a lot of small parts.

Okay thanks Denzel2415 -4 — 5y

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