The following script only prints twice. I believe this is because once the condition is no longer met the loop no longer runs even when the condition is correct again.
x = false while x == false do print("x is false") wait(1) x = true end while x == true do print("x is true") wait(1) x = false end
My question is what would be the solution to make this go on forever? (as in printing x = true then x = false repeatedly instead of just once.)
The application which I am using it for is a game loop, but this shows the issue I am facing on a smaller scale.
Hey. If I see that correctly, you are trying to loop something. I would try to do it with a While true do.
My version of the script:
while true do x = false while x == false do print("x is false") wait(1) x = true end while x == true do print("x is true") wait(1) x = false end end