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How do i get into PlayerGui?

Asked by 10 years ago

I have my own HealthGUI i scripted, and i don't want the default one to show. How do i get into the players GUI?

I know it's:

game.Workspace.Players. (Something) .Health:destroy()

I just don't know how to do this to every player, i know it's FindLocal Player or something. Help please? Thanks in advance!

Did you try my script? If you did and it didn't work or you got an error then just P.M. me. lolguy951753 60 — 10y

1 answer

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Answered by 10 years ago

You probably want to make it a LocalPlayer then you want to put it in as a local script then put the code in it.

Here is the code:


Try that and if it doesn't work then just P.M. me on roblox.


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