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How to have always a tool equipped? [closed]

Asked by 5 years ago

How to hide your inventory/ Tool bar? And How to have always a tool equipped?

If you know the game counterblox on roblox you always have 1 of 3 things either a main gun side pistol or a knife you cant hold nothing.

does anyone know how to make that?

They have a custom backpack system/custom tool system bhqpping 80 — 5y

Closed as Primarily Opinion-Based by Elixcore, Gameplayer365247v2, Psudar, Nowaha, namespace25, and MachoPiggies

This question has been closed because it is a discussion about a topic focused on diverse opinions, which isn't a good fit for our Q&A format.

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1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

It's an innate property of tool instances that they can be equipped and unequipped, and you can't change this. This means if you want to have a tool that's permanently equipped, you'll need to ditch the tool instance, and weld the model to the player yourself.

You can disable the backpack with SetCoreGuiEnabled:

1-- LocalScript
2game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)