How could I for example select everything in the workspace to change it's transparency through a script? Or what can I use to make a script that'll do that.
I've tried to make it once but it didn't work and I don't understand what is wrong, could anybody help me?
player = script.Parent.Parent Mouse = player:GetMouse() children = workspace.lemodel:GetDescendants() game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().KeyDown:Connect(function(KeyPressed) if KeyPressed == "f" then for index, descendant in pairs(children) do wait(0.5) children.Transparency = 0.1 wait(0.5) children.Transparency = 0.2 wait(0.5) children.Transparency = 0.3 wait(0.5) children.Transparency = 0.4 wait(0.5) children.Transparency = 0.5 wait(0.5) children.Transparency = 0.6 wait(0.5) children.Transparency = 0.7 wait(0.5) children.Transparency = 0.8 wait(0.5) children.Transparency = 0.9 wait(0.5) children.Transparency = 1 end end end)
Replace all the children.Transparency = ...
with descendant.Transparency = ...
You're changing a non-existant property of a table right now, not of the child selected in the for loop.
I also suggest moving children = workspace.lemodel:GetDescendants()
into the function, instead of outside of it. The children might get modified but it won't update the list of descendants.