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how to check humanoid position distance from the baseplate?

Asked by 4 years ago

hi there, I am trying to duplicate this leaderboard feature from tower of hell. like this screenshot. so I am thinking the script must be on how to check the humanoid position from the baseplate one it gets higher off the ground.

is there any way to check how high above is a humanoid from the ground baseplate?

2 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago

Make sure to put this in a LocalScript

local HeightFromBaseplate = (
game.Workspace.Baseplate.Position.Y - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Y
) --Use this Variable

--So how does it work?--

It just removes the Baseplates Y with the Characters Y


I actually don't do that on my Answers but just in case because your reputation is 0

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Answered by 4 years ago

You can try to take the CFrame from the humanoid and the baseplate and get the magnitute from it. I'm not a big expert in it, but I think that will help you to get ahead. If I can continue to help you then I will try to help you.

I already answered. Luka_Gaming07 534 — 4y
I already answered. Luka_Gaming07 534 — 4y

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