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Removing objects doesn't work? [closed]

Asked by 10 years ago

I have tried to remove a message from workspace using:


and this:


It works when I play from the studio, but when I click play, the Message just stays. What am I doing wrong?

Methods are canonically uppercase, not lowercase (though this is only a warning and not an error). In addition, `Destroy` is a method, not a property, and is also indexed with `:Destroy()` and not `.Destroy()`. BlueTaslem 18071 — 10y
You should also make sure that Message actually exists as a child of workspace. Basswobble 165 — 10y
@Blue; it is a member, otherwise it couldn't be a method. You just have to invoke it with (:) as a method, or provide the 'self' parameter when calling it as a member adark 5487 — 10y

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