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Script Shows GUI on the first Chest, but then doesnt show gui on any other chests, why?

Asked by
LuaDLL 253 Moderation Voter
5 years ago

My Problem is that when i spawn in, it spawns the chests, then I go up to the first one and it shows the gui. But when I walk Up To The Second Chest it does not show the gui for some reason but i can go back to the first chest and it will show the gui again.

First Chest:

Second Chest:

Explorer Images: Chest Location Gui Location


01local Chests = workspace.Chests
02local Range = 10
03local P = game.Players.LocalPlayer
04local C = P.Character or P.CharacterAdded:Wait()
05local Hb = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat
07function Check()
08    for i,v in pairs(Chests:GetChildren()) do
09        if (v.Hitbox.Position - C.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude <= Range and not v.Openers:FindFirstChild(P.Name) then
10            local Pos = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToScreenPoint(v.Hitbox.Position)
11            script.Parent.Open.Position =,Pos.X,0,Pos.Y,0)
12            script.Parent.Open.Visible = true
13        else
14            if script.Parent.Open.Visible then
15                script.Parent.Open.Visible = false
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1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

Use ContextActionService to bind an action to the 'E' key when the player gets close to the chest, then use ContextActionService: SetImage to have the GUI appear (, then when the player is too far from the chest, unbind the action from the key and rebind it again when the player is close enough to a chest. Just use remote events when the player presses the 'E' from a local script and then fire the server. I hope it helps!


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