This has been one of my challenges with datastores and saving data. I usually have my values differentiate. Different Names.. More values. Ect. I have tried to make the script smarter and just add all of the value to the table and save the table. I have tried two methods:
function module:SaveData(Player) local TblToSave = { } for _, v in pairs(script[Player.Name]:GetChildren()) do table.insert(TblToSave, {[v.Name] = module:ViewValue(Player, v.Name)}) end SavedContent:SetAsync(Player.Name, HttpService:JSONEncode(TblToSave)) end
function module:SaveData(Player) local TblToSave = { } for _, v in pairs(script[Player.Name]:GetChildren()) do TblToSave[v.Name] = module:ViewValue(Player, v.Name) end SavedContent:SetAsync(Player.Name, HttpService:JSONEncode(TblToSave)) end
None of these are working and there are no problems in the output. If you need the script that views the values ask. I'll be happy to give it.
-- This is the players data. I have everything stored in server storage.
module:ViewValue(Player, v.Name)
-- This is a method that just retrieves a value from the players data before it gets deleted. I use this for events so the client can see their stats