There is no error in the output but I know its the died event. Just do cntrl + f and type Died:connect(function()
teamcolor="Deep blue" runteamcolor="Bright red" lobbyteamcolor="Bright green" required=0 timer=10 map=false maptimer=5 mplrarr={Workspace.mplr1} print(#mplrarr) mplrarray = (mplrarr[math.random(1, #mplrarr)]) print(mplrarray) if mplrarray==Workspace.mplr1 then nonarray=Workspace.non1 mapchoosen="8bit map" else if mplrarray==Workspace.mplr2 then nonarray=Workspace.non2 mapchoosen="Non made map" end end function Start() for Value=timer,1,-1 do GUI.Text=("Intermision: "..Value) wait(1) end if map==false then map=true for Value2=maptimer,1,-1 do GUI.Text=("Map Choosen "..mapchoosen.." "..Value2) wait(1) end local mplr = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1,game.Players.NumPlayers)] mplr.TeamColor = mplr.Character:WaitForChild("Torso").CFrame = mplrarray.CFrame +,5,0) GUI.Visible=false for i, non in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if non ~= mplr then non.TeamColor = non.Character:WaitForChild("Torso").CFrame = nonarray.CFrame +,5,0) GUI.Visible=false mplr.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")Died:connect(function() print(mplr.Name.." died") mplr = nil non = nil print("Made nil") for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Player") then v.TeamColor = v.CFrame=Workspace.SpawnLocation.CFrame +,5,0) map=false GUI.Visible=false print("Finished the death") end end end) end end end end if map==true then return end GUI=script.Parent.TextLabel GUI.Text="Need "..required.." players to start, sir!" GUI.Visible=true repeat wait() until game.Players.NumPlayers>=required Start()
On line 41 you forgot a period.