I'm back again with the same script but now I'm trying to figure out how to have the text change when it's in between two values.
if l.ClockTime >= 0 and <=8 then [TEXT VARIABLE].Text = "Test2" end
Obviously that isn't the correct way of doing it, so how do I fix it?
Hello once again.. This works. You just need to loop it..
local cc = script.Parent local l = game.Lighting while true do if l.ClockTime >= 0 and l.ClockTime <= 8 then script.Parent.Text = "Yo What's Good" else script.Parent.Text = "RUN!" end wait() end
Majbe try
value.Changed:Connect(function(x)) if x >= 0 and x <= 8 then [TEXT VARIABLE].Text = "test2" end end)