if script.Parent.Parent.LoadingDone.Value == false then while true do if current < player.leaderstats.Levels.Value * 1000 then break end current = current - (player.leaderstats.Levels.Value * 1000) print(current) player.leaderstats.Levels.Value = player.leaderstats.Levels.Value + 1 print(player.leaderstats.Levels.Value) wait() end levelexp = current current = player.Exp.Value script.Parent.Parent.LoadingDone.Value = true level = player.leaderstats.Levels.Value lead_level = player.leaderstats.Levels end
This is a part of my code. So let's say we have 15000 exps. (When first joining the game) we will load the exp to levels. In Level 1 you need 1000 on lv 2 you need 2000 etc. like that well I'm not very used to repeat ~ until, so I replaced it with a while statement. I will tell you the outputs
14487 -- Exp 2 -- Level 12487 --Exp 3 -- Level 9487 4 5487 5 487 6 8487 8 487 9
well, you can't do 487 -(6*1000), so I thought it will stopover here, but instead, Lv7 disappeared and the exps became 8487 and straight went to Lv9. Why did studio do this?