local exampleModel_tree1 = workspace.exampleModel_tree1 tool = script.Parent local localScriptText_testing = workspace.localScriptText_testing local SurfaceGui = localScriptText_testing.SurfaceGui local TextLableMessageOutput = SurfaceGui.TextLabel local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local mouse = player:GetMouse() local HumanoidRootPart = workspace[player.Name].HumanoidRootPart tool.Equipped:Connect(function() TextLableMessageOutput.Text = "tool was equipped" tool.Activated:Connect(function() TextLableMessageOutput.Text = "mouse was clicked" if mouse.Target and mouse.Target.Parent then if mouse.Target.CFrame == exampleModel_tree1.tree1Part1_trunk.CFrame and not HumanoidRootPart.**Position **<= exampleModel_tree1.tree1Part1_trunk.CFrame + CFrame.new(1,0,0 or 2,0,0 or 3,0,0) then if HumanoidRootPart.**Position** <= exampleModel_tree1.tree1Part1_trunk.CFrame + CFrame.new(1,0,0 or 2,0,0 or 3,0,0) then TextLableMessageOutput.Text = "Clicked da tree but ya need to be closer to cut it" end TextLableMessageOutput.Text = "Clicked da tree" exampleModel_tree1.HitValue.Value = exampleModel_tree1.HitValue.Value - 1 if exampleModel_tree1.HitValue.Value <=0 then exampleModel_tree1.tree1Part1_trunk.Anchored = false TextLableMessageOutput.Text = "Tree successfully cut down" wait(2) exampleModel_tree1:Remove() end end end end) end)
It looks like you're mixing a CFrame with a position. A coordinate frame stores a position plus a rotational matrix. So you could just grab the .Position from the CFrames, and that should fix it. So (exampleModel_tree1.tree1Part1_trunk.CFrame + CFrame.new(1,0,0 or 2,0,0 or 3,0,0)).Position