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How Do i Script A Join and Morph Script?

Asked by 11 years ago

How Do i Script A Join and Morph Script?How to do so?(Example,Murder Mystery When you Join This game You Morph)

3 answers

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Answered by
Freemium 110
11 years ago

A more efficient way of tkddude2's method is using the PlayerAdded event. This will get you started.

From there use the CharacterAdded event and use character.x to change whatever you want in that character that just joined.

Then to change color, you'll want to use BrickColor. You would typecharacter.Torso.BrickColor ="Really red")

You should change Torso to whatever part you want to change (Head, Left leg, etc.). Then you would change Really red to any color in the BrickColor menu in studio.

Thanks,But How DOE I add Color to The character?(Game) DarkestAllie 5 — 11y
Sorry, I don't quite understand you. Please read my edit, I hope this helps. :) Freemium 110 — 11y
Ok :D DarkestAllie 5 — 11y
I've been wanting to do this, yet every time I type character.Shirt:remove(), I get an error in the Output saying "Shirt is not a valid member of model." Help? I am trying to remove the shirt, hat, pants, and face... sgsharp 265 — 11y
@Bolohuc Is shirt in the character? Try WaitForChild. Freemium 110 — 11y
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Answered by 11 years ago

@C0deCakes Okay, I see where you are going, and I get it, but that is player ADDED. Which means if they die, they lose the morph. They only get it when they enter, after that, it disappears on reset.

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Answered by 11 years ago

You could put the morph on every spawn.

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