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I'm making an admin panel and the player list wont update?

Asked by
Marolex 45
10 years ago

So the gui will list the players in a server but it will not update upon a player leaving/joining unless you rejoin or reset.

any help?

here's the code to update it

01local pos = 0
02function update()
03    pos = 0
04    for k,v in pairs(frame.Plays:GetChildren())do
05        v:remove()
06    end
07    local players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
08    for i = 1, #players do
09        local label ="TextLabel",frame.Plays)
10        label.Size =,0,0.04,0)
11        label.TextScaled = true
12        label.Text = players[i].Name
13        label.Position = label.Position +,0,pos,0)
14        pos = pos +.04
15    end
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Is this a LocalScript or a regular Script? Bebee2 195 — 10y

2 answers

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Answered by
Bebee2 195
10 years ago

Here it is in a simple aspect:

If this script is a LocalScript, then you should know PlayerAdded and PlayerRemoved don't work properly

If this script is a Regular Script, I assume that you only update frame.Plays within StarterGui instead of all of the player's versions of frame.Plays.

Thank you so much! Marolex 45 — 10y
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Answered by 10 years ago

Make sure your place isn't a personal place. If it is, then switch it to a normal place.

It's not... Marolex 45 — 10y

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