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Click Detector not detecting click?

Asked by 5 years ago

Well, I'm still learning my way around lua. So, I made a part that would explode if clicked, inside the part is a click detector, and inside the click detector is a script.

However, when clicked, the said part doesn't explode.

Here's the code:

if script.Parent clicked = true
  then create:Explosion
explosion Radius = 15
explosion BLAST_PRESSURE = 2*10^6


Any help? Thanks!

1 answer

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Answered by
noammao 294 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
script.Parent.MouseClick:Connect(function() -- wait until the part is clicked
    local Explotion = ``("Explosion") --Create a new instance
    Explotion.BlastRadius = 15 -- Setting its properties
    Explotion.BlastPressure = 2 * math.pow(10,6) --Setting properties. You can also use math.pow instead of x^y
    Explotion.Position = script.Parent.Parent.Position --Set the position of the explotion. 
    Explotion.Parent = script.Parent.Parent --Set the parent of the explotion. In this case It's the part.

Hi. I want to point out that the clickdetector has events that fires when certain conditions are met. For example if the player clicks or right-clicks. And, usually after that, the event is connected to a fucntion like so:

--Lines of code

But you can also do them like this:

function OnPartTouched()
--lines of code


To create a new instance you use, Parent of class). You want to specify your class in the first parameter of BUT note that the second parameter, which allows you to set the parent of the object is deprecated and can cause performance issues. So it's preferable to set the parent of the object after you've declared it..


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