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Help with my script and the new gamepass system. Can someone please help me?

Asked by 4 years ago

I've tried fixing the script, but it just doesn't work for me. Can someone please help me with the script. Here's the script:

local Gamepasses = { [732884508] = { 1000000 }, [732884250] = { "H:30", "W:10", }, } local Items = { [54529181] = { 1000 }, [54529200] = { game.ServerStorage.Minigun }, [54529215] = { "W:25" }, [54529220] = { "H:25" } } local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") function GetName(ID) if type(ID) ~= "number" then return end local sets = game:service("InsertService"):GetUserSets(ID) for k, v in next, sets do if v.Name == "My Models" then return v.CreatorName end end end local function Sep(table,plr) for i,v in pairs(table) do if type(v)=="userdata" then v:Clone().Parent = plr.Backpack elseif type(v)=="number" then game.ServerStorage.PlayerMoney:FindFirstChild(plr.Name).Value = game.ServerStorage.PlayerMoney:FindFirstChild(plr.Name).Value + tonumber(v) else if v:sub(0,2) == "W:" then plr.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = plr.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed + tonumber(v:sub(3)) else plr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = plr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth + tonumber(v:sub(3)) plr.Character.Humanoid.Health = plr.Character.Humanoid.Health end end end end local function SepQ(table,plr) for i,v in pairs(table) do if type(v)=="userdata" then v:Clone().Parent = plr.Backpack elseif type(v)=="number" then return else if v:sub(0,2) == "W:" then plr.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = plr.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed + tonumber(v:sub(3)) else plr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = plr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth + tonumber(v:sub(3)) plr.Character.Humanoid.Health = plr.Character.Humanoid.Health end end end end MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt = function(receiptInfo) print(receiptInfo.ProductId) if Items[receiptInfo.ProductId] then if type(GetName(receiptInfo.PlayerId)) == "string" then wait() local p5 = game.Players:FindFirstChild(GetName(receiptInfo.PlayerId)) wait() Sep(Items[receiptInfo.ProductId],p5) end end return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) if p~=nil then for i,v in pairs(Gamepasses) do if MarketplaceService:PlayerOwnsAsset(p,i) then Sep(v,p) end end wait(0.5) p.CharacterAdded:connect(function(c) for i,v in pairs(Gamepasses) do if MarketplaceService:PlayerOwnsAsset(p,i) then SepQ(v,p) end end end) end end)

Note: W is walkspeed and H is health.

What exactly is the script accomplishing? deathmatch7540 7 — 4y
I don't understand what you're asking here? EthanFins 104 — 4y
the dev products are working but not the gamepasses becuase of the update that added playerownsgamepassasync but idk where to put it. gueli844 -1 — 4y

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