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How do I find player In "Players"?

Asked by 5 years ago

Now my question is like, my game is a single player game but I can't use LocalPlayer in the script of the onTouch part, so how can I get to the playergui? I mean how can I get to the player in "players"?

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Answered by 5 years ago

Hey I got the answer you need to put the script in the main areas such as Serverscriptservice,Startergui or starterplayerscripts. So I would recommend putting the script in server script service.

Wait, onTouched can work even when the script is not in the part? chacha489 16 — 5y
There is obviously more than one way to get a player from the server. DeceptiveCaster 3761 — 5y
Yes it can. Darthman522 10 — 5y
I love you Thx chacha489 16 — 5y

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