So I need help I am trying to make a gui label where it will say "Bag - " after bag it will show how much you have in your bag then your max in your bag. I made a leaderstat were I need to connect it to the label. So when you gain 1 in your leaderstat you will gain 1 in the label to!
-My version of trying to make leaderstat the label https://gyazo.com/1e913f7346f479d0e96d511a0ff933eb
If you need any other info pls dm me on discord Little Masta#4713
You can use the Changed event of the IntValue you have in ReplicatedStorage to call the function everytime the value is changed.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local Bag = Player.leaderstats.Bag local Storage = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Storage") Bag.Changed:Connect(function(newValue) -- The callback function is called everytime the Bag value changes and returns the new value of the Bag Player.PlayerGui.Labels.BagLabel.Text = newValue .. "/" .. Storage.Value end)
@metryy is it a local or a normal script? also were do i put it? in the BagLabel? Or SSS? etc
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