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How to completely destroy a plugin and it's contents?

Asked by 5 years ago

So I recently made a plugin for studio that was basically like DEX. It could edit and view trees and what not. But when I updated it to try to fix the problem of it creating 2 toolbars and 2 guis in the core gui I got stuck with an infinite loop that couldn't be broken. When I mean infinite loop I mean I have: Removed the plugin from studio, updated the script to just print hello world, and had a loop to always destroy the gui in core gui. But I don't want to live with that for the rest of eternity so I need help to get rid of this thing.

No matter what I do, what place I go in there's always the gui there and the toolbar still there. All the scripts have been removed the GUI has been too and the plugin is just a plain script in a model so I don't get why it won't remove all the stuff.

The script went something like this:

local coreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui")
local tridentGui = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TridentGui")
local cloneGui

if coreGui:FindFirstChild("TridentGui") then
    cloneGui = tridentGui:Clone().Parent == coreGui

That script is something like the one in the plugin. I haven't created many plugins so I was definitely doing something wrong here. Anything would help. thanks

As I said tho, this script should have been terminated when I published the new script so I'm not really sure what's going on.

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

Open your file explorer. Navigate to your roblox plugins folder (%localappdata%\Roblox\InstalledPlugins) Find the folder that matches the ID of your plugin. If you don't know the ID, you can find it here by clicking on the plugin and grabbing the ID out of the address bar. Once you have located your plugin, delete it from that folder. Ensure studio is closed when you do so. Relaunching studio should then fix the problem with your plugin remaining.

OK. This is the answer. I had forgotten that I had published a local plugin just in case I lost information. This is what was messing up my script this whole time. namespace25 594 — 5y
So now that I realize I found the problem and then destroyed the original script... namespace25 594 — 5y

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