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Hello how can i get started on roblox at coding?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Hello, please if you know a good way to scripting or anything answer me pls :(

I'm not sure what you mean by this, but if you want to learn scripting, I recommend watching PeasPod on youtube and when you get his tutorials down I would move on to roblox wiki. Instead of reading all the time, make games and learn from your mistakes. cmgtotalyawesome 1418 — 5y
I mean if you are a good coder in roblox tell me how did you learn how to script that's all and thx for ur answer Jailtheking2 0 — 5y
This question has been answered many times inside and outside of scripting helpers. Here are some references ( ( What I would recommend is going to the roblox wiki ( saSlol2436 716 — 5y
ok but are you a bot? Jailtheking2 0 — 5y

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