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Simple question, how can I remove certain digits from a number?

Asked by 5 years ago

Ok, so I made a script that generates smooth Roblox terrain, but it requires a random seed and I don't want to have the same map twice. So I'm getting my seed by

local diffnum = (tick()*10000)

local Seed = math.randomseed(diffnum)

This works, but the seed is so large that there is barely a difference between seeds.

Example =



What I want to do is remove the first 7 digits of the number so I get



Any help with this? Thanks.

You can use some string manipulation and do something like tonumber(string.sub(tostring(diffnum),7)), which will get get the 7th character and on of diffnum and convert that returned string to a number again. Hopefully someone may produce a more extensive answer from this comment. M39a9am3R 3210 — 5y

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Answered by 5 years ago
local Number = 23123213 --example
local StringNumber = tostring(Number) --Makes the number a string so we can do :sub on it
local NeededOne = StringNumber:sub(StartingDigitWanted, EndingDigitWanted) --the numbers you want until it meets the digits you don't want
local NeededTwo = StringNumber:sub(StartingDigitWanted, EndingDigitWanted) --the numbers you want after the digit(s) is found
local FinalString = NeededOne .. NeededTwo --Puts the digits back together
local FinalNumber = tonumber(FinalString) --Makes the string back into a number

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