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DriveSeat Steer Right Steering animation does not stop? [Moved To discord]

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Moved To discord there it will be solved faster

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

When you are cheking if the steer is 0 you are loading the animation again so it makes a new animation track. Remove line 16 and instead of TurnRight:Stop() do Humanoid.TurnRight:Stop() sme with line 22

it just breaks the steering animation's and when i turn i get lots of errors like ``` 13:51:18.640 - TurnRight is not a valid member of Humanoid 13:51:18.641 - Stack Begin 13:51:18.642 - Script 'Workspace..Script', Line 22 13:51:18.642 - Stack End 13:51:18.775 - TurnLeft is not a valid member of Humanoid``` User#21499 0 — 5y
i'm banned from the Discord server ;( Luka_Gaming07 534 — 5y

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