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Question about remoteeevents / server security?

Asked by 5 years ago

If an exploiter changes his name to example "ROBLOX" on his client side and sends a remoteevent, will the server see the player name as ROBLOX or his real name? and If I do add a check that checks his name on the server side, does that mean the remoteevent is secured?

No they would not WikiBaseHealthFinder 40 — 5y

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Answered by 5 years ago

The player object is protected, you can't really change it, so no, but the longer answer is quite a bit more complicated, I honestly do not know what would happen if it was just directly memory edited, but I believe that'd result in a crash, so still no.

So you're saying that the player object is protected and cannot be changed? goodadmins 111 — 5y
The property itself, the name :P Ashley_Phantom 372 — 5y

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