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How to let a script know when a new player is added?

Asked by 5 years ago

So I have this script here... script.Parent.Text being a text box where a players name is located.

    local Action = game.Players:GetPlayers("Players")

  for i = 1,#Action do
    if Action[i].Name == script.Parent.Text then
        if Message == ';command' then

--command script here

        end -- ends if message statement

    end -- ends if Action[i] statement

  end) -- ends chatted function
end -- ends for statement

works perfectly except when ever a new player joins the game this script won't recognize their chat. I have tried adding this above the script

    Action = game.Players:GetPlayers("Players")

but this did not work sadly... been trying to figure this out for weeks lol

GetPlayers takes no arguments, so might as well remove the string "Players" since it serves no purpose. And why does the local script hook a Chatted event for *other* players? User#24403 69 — 5y

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