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How do I make this script fire once I pick up a tool?

Asked by 5 years ago
local currencyname = "stat" -- using 'local' is just good practice
local Players = game:GetService('Players') -- This is the safe way of getting a service
local Tool = script.Parent -- if you put this script inside the tool, you don't need to use game.Workspace and all that
local DonePlayers = {}
Tool.Equipped:Connect(function() -- This will fire every time someone equips the tool
    local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Tool.Parent) -- Since the parent of the tool will be a player's character, we can use this function to get the relevant player
    if Player and not DonePlayers[Player] then -- Make sure we actually found the player
         DonePlayers[Player] = true
         Player.leaderstats[currencyname].Value = Player.leaderstats[currencyname].Value + 1 -- then this line you wrote will work great!

This is the script I made so far. This script only works once I equip the tool. I want it to fire once the tool is in my inventory. Please help me write this script or give me the part I am missing and explain what it is.

3 answers

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Answered by
Mr_Unlucky 1085 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

In the code you added in the comments you defined the player using Players.LocalPlayer, and you also claimed its a server script (in the game we were playing), even though the LocalPlayer cannot be defined in server scripts.

local pantsTable = {"Yellow Pants","Blue Pants","Red Pants"}

function plrHasPants(pantsName)
    for i,v in pairs(pantsTable) do
        if v == pantsName then
            return true

    return false

function checkItem()
    for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
        local pantsCollected = v.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Pants Collected") 

        for i,v in pairs(v.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
            local playerOwnsPants = plrHasPants(v.Name)

            if playerOwnsPants then
                pantsCollected.Value = pantsCollected.Value + 1

while wait(3) do

Every 3 seconds we get the player, loop through their backpack, and if the pants in their inventory exists in the pants table we add pantsCollected 1.

I also recommend you add a boolean to check if they had the pants before so it doesnt needlessly add to pants collected

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago
local DonePlayers = {}

    local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Tool.Parent)
    if Player and not DonePlayers[Player] then
         DonePlayers[Player] = true
         Player.leaderstats.stat.Value = Player.leaderstats.stat.Value + 1

here is a simplified version of what you got going on there, get the player from the tool parent just as u did but it gets the player in just once line, you dont need to make a local Players from game:GetService("Players"). :GetService is actually just needed for services we dont see in explorer, after it gets the player it just goes directly to the leaderstats and finds the stat and adds 1 to it, hope this works cause im not very good with tables yet so im a bit lost in that part

i also hope this is in a server script or it wont change any values on the server Gameplayer365247v2 1055 — 5y
You should also add a boolean since the player can use this to unequip and equip the tool so he cant get more points Mr_Unlucky 1085 — 5y
ye as i said, im not good with tables so idk exacly what they do, thought the table might be the check Gameplayer365247v2 1055 — 5y
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Answered by 5 years ago

Read You can use this script

if player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Tool name goes here") then
    print("Tool exists")
    --Put the code you want to run if they have the tool here

If that doesn't work comment on this answer!

he wants to fire it once its equipped, not just in the backpack Gameplayer365247v2 1055 — 5y
Gamer, alert is right. I want in the backpack. I already have one for equipped. AwesomeMrBird -79 — 5y
well you said otherwise in the question Gameplayer365247v2 1055 — 5y
"pick up a tool" not "equip a tool" AwesomeMrBird -79 — 5y

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