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Why is my Promt Gamepass purchase script not work?

Asked by
Zikelah 20
5 years ago

I have a Gui button when pressed it fires a remote event that is connected to a server script that prompts a game pass purchase:

In the local script inside the Gui button:

local RStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Event = RStorage:WaitForChild("RE1")
local Button = script.Parent

    print("Event Fired")

and in the server script inside the ServerScriptService:

local GamePassService = game:GetService("GamePassService")
local RStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Event = RStorage:WaitForChild("RE1")
local MarketplaceS = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

    print("All thisnss")

and the error it gives.:

  Event Fired
  16:27:07.628 - Argument 2 missing or nil
16:27:07.631 - Stack Begin
16:27:07.633 - Script 'ServerScriptService.ServerSideGP:VIP', Line 7
16:27:07.635 - Stack End

--I dont know if this has to do anything:
16:25:16.767 - Go to Game Settings and turn on Allow HTTP requests.

Can someone fin the error and tell me it?

So it looks like you need to enable HTTP requests. You can enable that in game settings. Also in PromptGamePassPurchase() it needs to be: PromptGamePassPurchase(player, [GamePassID]) Babyseal1015 56 — 5y

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