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How do I make a zombie that only exists on the client?

Asked by 5 years ago

I am trying to make a game where you switch what exists, and I have a script that puts things back and forth from replicated storage. However, if I try to copy a zombie from replicated storage, it's scripts break. Is there a way to make a local zombie that doesn't affect other players, and is also only affected by parts on the client side?

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Answered by 5 years ago

You have to control the zombie's AI VIA LocalScripts, keep in mind that they only operate in the player's object, character, and tools, so placing LocalScripts inside of the zombie is not going to work. Logical thing is to create a zombie on the client with a name which has a "zombie id" then a new LocalScript inside of the player object to control that specific zombie id.

You can duplicate scripts to make them run again, so cloning the zombie would work with normal "Scripts", the scripts will not replicate to the server however. Sergio4755 21 — 5y
Ok, the ID works, but only when I walk super close to it. The distance is set to 100 but I have to get within like 5 studs currently (which I might do anyway as a puzzle element) bubbybumble 2 — 5y

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