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Is there a better way to translate my game?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

I'm trying to translate my game by using a module script to change the texts depending on the region the player is from. But it couldn't translate the status since it changes all the time. Here's the code

local function Translate()
    if game:GetService("RunService"):IsServer() then return end
    if game.LocalizationService.RobloxLocaleId == "ja-jp" then
        PlayerGui.Menu.Main.Title.Text = "??????????"
        PlayerGui.Menu.Main.UpdateLog.Title.Text = "????"
        PlayerGui.Menu.Main.UpdateLog.ScrollingFrame.Update1.News.Text = "?????????"
        PlayerGui.Menu.Main.UpdateLog.ScrollingFrame.Update2.News.Text = "?????????????????"

Here's what I wanna see Japanese Original Is there a better way to translate?

Any issues in output? veljkov007 0 — 5y
Actually this is a good question, I would want to know too if there is a good way to translate a game. EternalScythe 222 — 5y

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