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Why does this Color3 not work properly? "Color cannot be assigned to"

Asked by 5 years ago

So I have this script in a LocalScript inside a tool:

01while wait() do
02    if script.Parent.Holding.Value ~= nil then
03        if script.Parent.Holding.Value == "ZM-3" then
04            game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ChangeHoldColor:FireServer(Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0), script.Parent)
05        end
06        if script.Parent.Holding.Value == "ST-14" then
07            game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ChangeHoldColor:FireServer(Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0), script.Parent)
08        end
09        if script.Parent.Holding.Value == "SM-P2" then
10            game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ChangeHoldColor:FireServer(Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255), script.Parent)
11        end
12        if script.Parent.Holding.Value == "ZD-6" then
13            game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ChangeHoldColor:FireServer(Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 255), script.Parent)
14        end
15        if script.Parent.Holding.Value == "L3-STD" then
View all 24 lines...

I have an event in Events folder in ReplicatedStorage and I have this script in ServerScriptService for it:

1game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ChangeHoldColor.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(color, part)
2    part.Color = color

The tools work fine but the color doesn't change and I get this error:

18:08:51.099 - Color cannot be assigned to 18:08:51.101 - Stack Begin 18:08:51.103 - Script 'ServerScriptService.HoldColor', Line 2 18:08:51.105 - Stack End

Please help if you know how to fix this error or what causes it.

I don't know if this will work, but try changing 'color' in replicatedStorage to Color3.fromRGB(Value of color) B_rnz 171 — 5y
I tried that a couple of minutes ago and it doesn't work or it works only on the server and the player can't see it. develop_d 53 — 5y
Try Color3.fromRGB instead of Dalbertjdplayz 37 — 5y
I did use Color3.fromRGB develop_d 53 — 5y
Try printing the "part" argument, like so: print(part.Name), and tell us what the output says. Y_VRN 246 — 5y

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