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How to set the upwards orientation of a part based on a surface normal of ground below?

Asked by 5 years ago

So what I'm trying to do is set the orientation of a part relative to the ground or part beneath. Currently I'm using a ray downwards from the part and FindPartOnRay to get the normal of the surface below. I have no problem positioning the object near the ground but when I try to orient it I'm failing miserably. The code below works only for 1 direction so I'm thinking that the + 90 degrees there is right only in the context of my current direction.

local function setSledOrientationToSurfaceNormal(surfaceNormal)
    surfaceNormal.X = math.abs(surfaceNormal.X)
    surfaceNormal.Y = math.abs(surfaceNormal.Y)
    surfaceNormal.Z = math.abs(surfaceNormal.Z)
    local cframe = sled.CFrame

    sled.CFrame =, cframe.Position + surfaceNormal)

    sled.Orientation =  + 90, sled.Orientation.Y, sled.Orientation.Z)
    --sled.Orientation =, sled.Orientation.Y, sled.Orientation.Z)


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Answered by 5 years ago

If it is unanchor you need to do CFrame's so like Example

sled.Weld.C0 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0))

(This is Example)


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