I was wondering how to do this last night, and I hope you can help. I am modifying the bubble chat script to have randomized messages.
local function createChatLine(message, bubbleColor, isLocalPlayer) local Strings = {'woah ', 'trip ', 'like ', 'man, ', 'help ', 'damn ', 'wow ', 'i like ', 'feels ', 'good ', 'great ', 'bad ', 'awful ', 'death ', 'drug ', '', 'please ', 'cool ', 'why ', 'go ', ''} local this = {} function this:ComputeBubbleLifetime(msg, isSelf) if isSelf then return lerpLength(msg,8,15) else return lerpLength(msg,12,20) end end this.Origin = nil this.RenderBubble = nil this.Message = Strings[math.random(1,#Strings)] .. Strings[math.random(1,#Strings)] .. Strings[math.random(1,#Strings)] .. Strings[math.random(1,#Strings)] this.BubbleDieDelay = this:ComputeBubbleLifetime(message, isLocalPlayer) this.BubbleColor = bubbleColor this.IsLocalPlayer = isLocalPlayer return this end