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[Using tables]: Datastore 2?

Asked by
B_rnz 171
5 years ago

I was reading the Datastore 2 post by Kampfkarren. I am not quite sure how to use this..

I would ask questions on DevFourm about this, but I haven't been accepted yet.


local Players = game:GetService("Players"); local DataStore2 = require(1936396537); local Default = { -- Level base; 6/28/19 ["Level"] = 0; ["XP"] = 0; ["RequiredXP"] = 700; }; Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) -- Get and Save the 'Default' table end)

If anyone could explain how I would Save everything that I have in Default Table? I am yet to come past PlayerAdded function.. I've read the post back and forward about the Tables but it's not getting to me correctly.

Use "SetAsync" Asher0606 36 — 5y

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