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Menu Generating Script Not Doing Anything?

Asked by
Benbebop 1049 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

I'm making a script that would make a TextButton for each Tool inside a Folder inside ServerStorage. I have a script that should duplicate a TextButton and fill in the Text and Name with the Name of a corresponding Tool inside the ServerStorage. It just does nothing.

local CurrentTool
local ChildrenOfItems = game.ServerStorage.Items:GetChildren()
script.Parent.Number.Value = #ChildrenOfItems
-- find how many tools there are

while true do
    c.Parent = game.ServerStorage.Items
    -- to make a place to store tools already checked
    while i ~= script.Parent.Number.Value do
        -- make a clone of the text button
        h.Script.Disabled = false
        h.ItemsToAdd.Value = game.ServerStorage.Items:FindFirstChild()
        h.Position.T.Offset = h.Position.T.Offset + (i * 100)
        -- customise the new button
        CurrentTool = game.ServerStorage.Items:FindFirstChild()
        CurrentTool.Parent = game.ServerStorage.Items.TempStorage
        -- move the tool into the storage
        i = i + 1
    i = 0
    while i ~= script.Parent.Number.Value do
        CurrentTool = game.ServerStorage.Items.TempStorage:FindFirstChild()
        CurrentTool.Parent = game.ServerStorage.Items
        i = i + 1
        -- move out of storage

The script is inside a ScrollingFrame that has a Folder called Buttons with a TextButton called Default in it and a NumberValue called Number.

Try setting the parent first, just after cloning it. If that doesn't work, @ me. MachoPiggies 526 — 5y

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