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Anyone else having weird issues with default animation replication?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

I've been running into a rather peculiar issue with a game that I'm working on. The game is grouped owned, as well as the animations. This peculiar issue I'm having with the animations is in relation to replication, or so I believe. Every animation across the entire game is loaded when the player's character (and humanoid) are fully loaded in. They are all loaded using LoadAnimation() on the player's character, and every animation has a valid id, and priority.

The issue that has started appearing is that out of the blue, one of the many animations that play will trigger a sort of "platform stand" like state. More so the default positioning of the character. Its never the same animation, or the same gameplay causes, ie knockdown or any other potential character altering code. I've looked all over and I haven't found anyone else on the platform mention ever seeing this, and I've even reached out to a few other developers whom have games with a similar issue and have ultimately gotten nowhere. Below I've attached a short video of the bug in action, it behaves the exact same in the game as in studio (it was easier to capture in studio so I opted for that).

This is probably a question more suited for the DevForum to be honest, but I've already had another developer from our team put up a post in there and its gotten nowhere. It seems that nobody has any idea, at least to my knowledge, what this is, or if it has any fix. We don't do anything weird with how we handle animations, we've always just relied on the default replication system Roblox has in place for client played animations on the default character.

At this point I'm just trying to branch out to as many people as possible to get as much insight as possible. This really ruins the gameplay for a lot of players, and drives me insane because I've been unable to fix it. Any help or insight would be most appreciated.

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