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How do you fix text not showing up in TextBox?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

So I'm making a GUI that shows some cool geeky information like their account age for example. But I've fell into yet another pit. Here's the script:

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer or game.Players.PlayerAdded:Wait()
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local plrname = char.Name
local plrageraw = plr.AccountAge / 365
local plrid = plr.UserId

local plragebox = script.Parent.UserAge
local plridbox = script.Parent.UserID
local plrsessionbox = script.Parent.UserSessionTime

function PlayerAge()
    local updated = 0
    local us = "Info has updated"
    local ss = "during this session."
    while true do
        updated = updated + 1
        print("User Info updated")
        if updated == 1 then
            print(us.." one time "
        elseif updated == 2 then
            print(us.." two times "
        elseif updated == 3 then
            print(us.." three times "
        elseif updated == 4 then
            print(us.." four times "
        elseif updated == 5 then
            print(us.." five times "
        elseif updated == 6 then
            print(us.." six times "
        elseif updated == 7 then
            print(us.." seven times "
        elseif updated == 8 then
            print(us.." eight times "
        elseif updated == 9 then
            print(us.." nine times "
        elseif updated == 10 then
            print(us.." ten times "
        elseif updated > 10 then
            print(us.." "..updated.." times "
        local plrageraw1 = plrageraw * 1000
        local plrageraw2 = math.ceil(plrageraw1)
        local plragefixed = plrageraw2 / 1000
        plragebox.Text = ("Account Age: "..plragefixed.." years")
        plridbox.Text = ("User ID: "..plrid)
        warn("User Info will update in 5 minutes")

function PlayerSession()
    local sec = 0
    local min = 0
    local hr = 0
    while true do
        sec = sec + 1
        if sec >= 60 then
            sec = 0
            min = 1
        elseif min >= 60 then
            sec = 0
            min = 0
            hr = 1
        plrsessionbox.Text = ("User Session Time: ""h "..min.."m "..sec.."s")



GUI in-game in Studio


So I can't find out what's wrong with the "Session" part. There's no error in the output and I've looked over it and it appears to be normal. The other two parts of the GUI works just fine. I might be missing something but like I said, it appears to be normal. I am a bit new at coding in Lua. I've tried putting the local variables [sec, min, hr] outside the function, but I expected it not to work and of course, it didn't work.

Thanks in advance! :)

You have while true do in your PlayerAge() function so your PlayerSession() was never activated. 9mze 193 — 4y

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