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add a soundeffect to a part?

Asked by 5 years ago

i want to make a part, when the player is inside of it, it gets echoey. i want to use this for parking garages and tunnels. i have tried mutliple ways of doing it, none really worked. the last one i tried was with soundregions, that didn't work and now i'm giving up trying, and asking it on here.

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Answered by 5 years ago

You can add sound effects into your sound you just need to make a script that detect when the player "is inside of it" as you said. I'm not sure but you can probably check if the player is in a certain area like :

if player.Position.X > 1 and player.Position.X < 10 do local Echo ="EchoSoundEffect") Echo.Parent = sound if player.Position.X < 1 or player.Position.X > 10 do Echo:destroy()
i put the soundeffect inside the sound, and the sound is inside the part, i inserted the script inside the sound (no clue if thats right) and i get warnings saying "unknown global player" and "unknown global sound". blokskesman -8 — 5y
oh well, managed to fix those warnings, now i am getting errors saying "position is not a valid member of players" blokskesman -8 — 5y
I didn't make a working script but I just wanted to give you the idea Louix27626 83 — 5y

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